Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Adwords Budgeting - Staggering, jogging and Sprinting.

Monthly Adwords Budgeting:

For practical reasons most agencies work with monthly budgets for Clients Adwords accounts. This practice proves useful for both clients and agencies as it better enables them to manage their cash flow. Generally the Adwords Management fee is treated separately from the Adwords budget (i.e. the money that goes from the client, to the agency and then to Google.) 

Who decides upon the monthly Adwords Advertising budget?:

Ultimately the decision regarding the Monthly budget is up to the client. The agency can advise the client regarding budget and provide probable scenarios. These estimates regarding budget will be based on keyword research conducted using Google keyword planner, …….. and other tools.  

Example scenario:

Average cost per click is $ 1; therefore $ 100 = 100 clicks, therefore if the daily budget is $ 100 then 100 clicks will result ( providing there are enough people searching using the targeted keywords and keyword phrases)

N.B. Advice given by agencies regarding monthly budgets are “guestimates” only this is because:

There are multiple constantly changing variables and every targeted keyword represents a unique market. I.e. “franchise opportunity” is a different market to “franchise opportunities”. And, “black school shoes” is a different market to “school shoes”.

 Some Factors affecting Adwords spend and therefore monthly and daily budgets.
     * The number of people searching using targeted terms/keywords

The greater the volume of relevant searches the higher the number of clicks is likely to be. This means the volume of clicks increases. This therefore increases daily and therefore monthly costs. (this does not account for the fact that the cost per click may also increase).

·        *  Competition

The Adwords system functions as one giant auction. As with all auctions the greater the demand for a single item the higher its price. The greater the competition for a specific keyword the higher the price is likely to be.

Splitting the monthly Adwords Budget… (a few scenarios)

While agencies may use monthly budgets for the purposes of planning…. Google Adwords itself uses a daily budget.  This means that agencies/clients Monthly budget is entered within the Adwords system as a daily budget this means that the monthly budget can be allocated in a variety of ways. 

1.       Sprint to Finish:

Deplete the monthly Adwords budget as soon as possible.

The entire monthly budget can be set as the daily budget. I.e. if the monthly budget is $10 000 then theoretically the entire monthly budget could be spent in a single day. ….providing there are enough people searching using the targeted keyword (and then clicking on the advert).
This will then mean that after the monthly budget is depleted then advertising will stop showing…this could (depending on the market) be within only a day.
Presuming that the client does not want to add to the monthly budget (through the Agency) then they will need to wait for the start of the month for their advertising to start showing again.

2.       A staggered Jog

Splitting the monthly Adwords budget into equal daily increments.

This should mean that the Adwords advertising should display more evenly throughout the month.

For example: If the monthly budget is $10 000 then this would be divided by the number of days in the month (let’s presume 30) therefore the daily budget would be $ 10 000 / 30 = $ 333.33 per day.

3.       Walk, Jog, Run, Sprint

The monthly Adwords budget is divided but not into equal daily increments. 

(There may be strategic reasons to do this, in certain circumstances.) This means that the daily budget (and therefore spend) could vary greatly.

Example: Assuming a monthly budget of $10 000 this could be split as follows:

Day 1 to Day 10 = Daily budget of $ 100.
Day 11- 20 = Daily budget of $ 200
Day 21 -30 = Daily budget of $700

 For Adwords management visit Google Adwords Management Services

Friday, February 20, 2015

Want to get more love? (and more clients)

Everyday people in your area are searching Google using terms like, “accounting services”, “accounting for small business” and a myriad of related search terms. These poor souls are lost in “number land” and are looking for accounting businesses like yours to guide them safely through. 

Why not meet them half way and help them find you? Using strategically managed Google Adwords (the adverts that show up at the top of most Google search results) we are able to play the digital-match-maker and spread the love (and money) by more efficiently matching accounting firms with clients.

Time for tough love…the truth about your accounting firm’s website: 

Okay, now its time for some tough love. A website alone is simply not good enough (9 times out of 10). Research shows that unless you’re on the first page of the Google search results it is unlikely that your site and therefore your particular offering will be found………or at least not nearly as often you would hope! Having a website alone is kind of like being at a party and expecting attractive men or women (whichever you prefer) to approach you. This sit and wait strategy only works if you’re ridiculously good looking. 

The law of averages implies that most of us are not. The same applies online. It’s only those websites that are much better than average (as determined by Google and their super-sexy algorithm) that can perhaps sit and wait. Generally, however, these super sexy sites choose to implement Adwords too to maximise their gains and ultimate market share. The equivalent of being ridiculously good looking and having a personality, and money

 Adwords are the ultimate Wingmen / wingwomen 

Like the Wingman/Wingwomen Adwords help with introductions. They lead people from the VIP section of the club (first page of Google search results) to the quite corner of the “interweb” where your site is waiting. It’s not that your site isn’t nice…..or even good… it’s just that Google has determined that it, as websites go is not one of the “cool kids”. This, does not mean that your site and you are not capable of fulfilling a client’s needs…perhaps even better than one of the cool kids that are naturally ranking on the first page of Google. It’s all about being found and a managed Adwords campaign can help this happen.


Can Adwords guarantee my accounting firms success? 

 I wish I could say, “Yes” but then I would be lying. Adword’s or any form of advertising or marketing is not a panacea for all your business's woes. What Adwords can do is increase your chances of being found and therefore give your business a fighting chance. Adwords can serve as a digital matchmaker for your business. After this, it’s up to you to seal the deal by having a persuasive website. (the subject of another article or series of textbooks). Nevertheless, adding Adwords to your marketing mix is a good place to start - even with your existing website. 


Do I really need to have my Adwords account professionally managed?

No, no more than your customers need you to fulfil their accounting needs. You could choose to learn to manage your Adwords campaign effectively. Adwords management is not rocket science but neither is it a stroll in the park. It requires dedicated learning and practice, practice, practice. It is not uncommon for Adwords newbies to waste a lot of time and money as they fall prey to easily avoidable mistakes. Just so you know we’re not making this up here’s a list of Adwords Schoolboy errors --- if you don’t understand the errors.....well call us for a consultation: +2711 083 8250


Adwords Schoolboy Errors:

1. Poorly formulated objectives/not knowing whom to target/ having little understanding of your customer. 
2. No keyword research 
3. Poor keyword research 
4. Targeting too broadly – Not understanding differences between phrase match, broad match and exact match. 
5. Not knowing what you should spend per conversion. 
6. Not using negative keywords.
7. Poor copywriting of the adverts themselves. 
8. Linking your ads to landing pages that are not specific to the advert.
9. Not using add extensions 
10. Not implementing Adwords tracking code or implementing it on the wrong page. 
11. Not measuring results and making necessary changes. 
12. Not knowing how to check which specific searches are prompting your ads. 

Like accounting and most things Adwords management is easy………once you know how. We know how. 

So how will a managed Google Adwords Campaign help me to get more Love and Clients

In the interest of full disclosure we cannot guarantee either love or more clients. But we can guarantee an increase in the probability of at least one of the above. By implementing a strategic Adwords campaign you will gain that feeling that comes from knowing that you have set yourself up for the best possible chance of success. And maybe that, in itself is success. A success which allows you to love yourself just a little bit more. 

For Affordable Adwords Management visit: 

if you enjoyed this article we also offer copywriting services :) 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Questions to Ask Yourself or Your Client Before Setting Up an Adwords Campaign.

You want to get started. We get it. We admire your enthusiasm but before you start searching for keywords with the excitement of a kid at Easter there are few questions you need to ask yourself or your client. Some of these may seem really obvious but you’d be amazed as to how often these basics are overlooked within Adwords campaigns. 

  1.     . .  In 4-5 sentences please explain the type of business you have.
  2.          Describe your potential customers making reference to interests, gender, age, etc.
  3.        .What are they looking for (e.g. bed and breakfast Cape Town)?
  4.      .  Where are your customers, i.e. province, country, city, etc.?
  5.        At what times are your customers looking for your services (times, days, months)?
  6.       Write down 1-3 of your products or services. For each one, give selling points that you believe will make them attractive to potential customers. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Adding Negatives is Positive - Why Negative Keywords are important to any Adwords campaign.

These are simply keywords you wish to exclude from prompting your ads.  They are those unwelcome guests to the party that were never really invited. They’re the gate-crashers of pay per click advertising.

For example if you were targeting the keyword: accounting services -  your advert could still potentially show up in results for searches like:

“accounting jobs” , “ accounting software”  “ accounting courses”  etc.

This is a problem because those searchers looking for – accounting jobs, accounting software and accounting courses – may click your advert. You will pay for this and because these searchers are not “likely” to be looking for what you are actually selling i.e. accounting services – you are unlikely to generate any return from them. Therefore you are wasting money by getting them your site via Adwords.

The solution to getting rid of unwanted visitors is to use negative keywords.